As fuel marketers look to use real-time tank level in their delivery scheduling, Generac is introducing Ullage as a way to know where you can drop the most gallons.

Schedule based on Efficiency and Overall Gallons
Ullage provides the amount of droppable gallons available for an account. With this knowledge, fuel marketers are able to use droppable gallons as a consideration when scheduling monitored accounts into their deliveries. This can help ensure bobtails always come back empty.
Marketers also use this feature to determine the most optimal routes and accounts when space needs to be made in their bulk tank to accept a shipment. They quickly identify the accounts with the most droppable gallons available and prioritize a route that ensures the most efficient use of their bobtail capacity.
Update: With the release of Smart Scheduling and Forecasting, fuel marketers can now see Ullage in a scheduled view. This helps them understand the bobtail capacity they need to fulfill at-risk accounts daily and helps them prioritize customers in their delivery schedule.