3 Ways the Pandemic has Worsened the Driver Shortage, and 3 Ways Tank Monitoring can Help

For years, industries across the board have been struggling to recruit truck drivers amidst a growing driver shortage. Factors such as an aging driver population, fewer drivers in the pipeline, and an under-representation of women and minorities in the field have made it increasingly difficult to hire and retain reliable drivers. This is especially true […]

What to Do when Grain Drying Runs Up Against Heating Season

It has not been the easiest year for the Midwest.  Not only did the polar vortex of Winter ’19 send temperatures plunging into the minus 20s, 30s, even 40s below zero across the region, but a record-breaking year of rainfall overwhelmed the Mississippi River, causing historic levels of flooding. Now we are seeing the repercussions of […]

The Driver Shortage: What is It and What Does It Mean for Your Propane Business?

Trying to hire more bobtail drivers but can’t find anyone to fill the job? Are you aware that there is a driver shortage across all industries? Even though there are more registered drivers than ever before, the demand for drivers is so high that there are not enough people to fill all the positions.  Why are […]

Propane Fireplace

Customizing The Propane Customer Experience

Is there such a thing as the “propane customer experience”? You better believe there is. And if you’re not the one thinking about it, then one of your competitors definitely is. We’re not going to try help you define the entirety of your propane customer experience (from sign-up and installation to service and billing, there’s […]

I’ve never had a propane run-out. Why do I need a tank monitor?

I’ve got a bunch of propane appliances at my home. I use it for space and water heating, my stove in the kitchen is propane, I have a backup generator, a pool heater in the back yard, and my clothes dryer is connected too. My tank is massive, I’m already on automatic delivery, and I’ve […]

Tank Monitoring Benefits to Propane Suppliers and Customers

Who benefits more from tank monitors – fuel suppliers or homeowners?

We’ve written in the past about different types of propane users and their tank monitoring benefits – homeowners with pool heaters, commercial agricultural greenhouses, backup generators, second-homes, hardware stores with 20# BBQ refill stations, and restaurants & the hospitality industry. In those articles we talk mostly about what the fuel supplier gets out of using […]

Run-Out Review

Fuel Delivery Efficiency Analysis Series: Run-out Review

This article is part of our series on fuel delivery efficiency. Generac offers every customer our detailed Delivery Efficiency Analysis Report using their delivery history data. The report helps fuel suppliers to benchmark their performance and find ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Fuel Delivery Efficiency Series: Fuel Delivery Efficiency Analysis Overview Average Drop Size – […]